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Before you apply:
All applicants must include a clean driving record with their application. If you do not have copy ready to submit, please visit your local Secretary of State office to get your driving record. Applicants must also consent to a State Police Criminal Conviction Record Check and drug test. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Your application will be kept on file for six (6) months from date of application.
Bus Driver Employment Application:
Ready to start your career with Marq-Tran? Apply using the online form below or download a paper copy and drop it off at Marquette County Transit Authority:
1325 Commerce Drive,
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 225-1112
General Employment Application:
This general application for employment applies to the following roles:
Ready to start your career with Marq-Tran? Apply using the online form below or download a paper copy and drop it off at Marquette County Transit Authority:
1325 Commerce Drive,
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 225-1112