Marquette, MI – August 15, 2019 – Marquette County Transit Authority will be back again this year to help serve our local college students. The NMU Shopping Run system put in place by Northern Michigan Universality working with Marq-Tran allows students to take a free round-trip ride on a Marq-Tran bus to grocery stores in the area. The program allows students and staff to get provisions for the weekend or even project materials for classes!

Students can take a ride from NMU to Meijer or Walmart each Friday.
This year, Target has been added as an option making the three drop off locations, Target, Meijer, and Walmart. Each Friday throughout the school year, starting August 30, 2019, students or staff with a valid ID should meet at the Marq-Tran bus at Campus Lot #9 near Hunt and Van Antwerp Hall.
Pick up times from Lot #9 are 3:00pm and 4:15pm. Riders who board the 3:00pm bus should be outside the store of their choice to return to campus at 4:30pm. 4:15pm riders will be picked up from their store of choice at 5:30pm. After shopping, students who live on campus will be dropped off in front of their dorms to avoid having to carry grocery bags all the way across campus!
Detail Recap:
- Starting Friday, August 30th
- Free to students & staff with valid ID
- Pick Up times of 3:00 & 4:15
- Drop off times of 4:30 & 5:30pm
- Store locations: Target, Meijer & Walmart
- Pick Up at Lot #9
- Drop off at various student dorms