- $.80 Senior Citizens
- $.80 Handicapped
- $.80 Students (K-12) & college students w/ valid ID
- Preschoolers ride free w/ paying passenger
Fixed routes start May 1st. More Information.
- $.40 Senior Citizens
- $.40 Handicapped
- $.40 Students (K-12) & college students w/ valid ID
- Preschoolers ride free w/ paying passenger
Fixed routes start May 1st. More Information.
See Other Routes

Marquette, Ishpeming, Negaunee Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule and fare for the Marquette, Ishpeming, Negaunee Shuttle.

Marquette, Sawyer, Gwinn Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule and fare for the Marquette, Sawyer, Gwinn Shuttle.

Northern Marquette MI Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule, and fares for the Marq-Tran North Marquette Shuttle.

South Marquette Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule and fare for the South Marquette Shuttle.

Marquette Shopper Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule and fare for the Marquette Shopper Shuttle.

Ishpeming Shopper Route and Schedule
See the new route, schedule, and fares for the Marq-Tran Ishpeming Shoppers Shuttle.

Marquette Mall Route and Schedule
See the route, schedule and fare for the Marquette Mall Shuttle.